Why does Tech Zombie Exist?

TZ is a free resource for SEO professionals by SEO professionals to help with one of the most essential yet overlooked elements of website optimization… the action plan.

There are loads of websites, blogs and services out there that do a good job giving advice and high level overviews. Some services will even give you general templated action plans for a nominal fee or subscription, but there is a shortage of free websites dedicated to organic search specific information on this topic designed to make you successful.

TZ offers more than a downloadable template,  we are going to help you create custom action plans and show you how to dig in deep and develop an engaging plan of action that will get your clients & stakeholders excited about SEO again.

TechZombie Mission Statement

TZ’s mission is to create a community of organic marketing professionals that connect with each other and share ideas. We truly want to create a resource that is by SEO professionals for SEO’s. Yes, we consider “SEO” a proper noun. We encourage an open and free environment that will support the SEO community and support the industry of organic search marketing. SEO is not dead, heil SEO!